Life of a former witch

I've outgrown my wicked witch of the west ways. Reflections of life afterwards, living in the desert with two cats, friends, family, and my hot and cold love life.

Friday, December 16, 2005

So close

I ordered part of my boyfriend's present via Was told it would arrive via USPS, so I had it sent to my home address (work is ideal for FedEx and UPS).

Our postal carrier is terrible about leaving notices that a package is in the apartment office. So yesterday I checked, but it hadn't arrived. Then I checked the mail today, and there's a notice there's a package in the office

*woo hoo*

And it's a few minutes before 5, so the office is still open. So I skip down to the office. But it looks closed - WTF?

There's a note on the door dated today that the office will close at 4. Sorry for the inconvience.

Sure, dangle the carrot and then deny it to me.


So guys are faster from the start

I got a snicker out of this. A recently published study discovered that if a women is having trouble getting pregnant, her odds of having a boy is 58% (when of course it should be more like 50/50).

The supposed reason: Male sperm swim faster in viscous materials than female sperm. If a women's mucous linings are more viscous, it could make it more difficult to get pregnant. In such an environment, the male sperm win out.

My take was that sure male sperm can swim faster - they're carrying a lighter load of DNA!

Source: Medical News Today.

Which celebrity do YOU look like?

Okay, this was a bit fun.

I found this website in the blogoshpere readings I was doing. You upload a picture, and it'll use facial recognition software to match your face to celebrities.

I took the picture that's on this page. Much to my surprise, it came up with Katie Holmes.

I think I'm going to be sick.

That's not what I've had random people on the street tell me that I look like. I dismissed it the first few times, but I've had a dozen or so people that say I look like a healthy Uma Thurman (she's way too skinny). Oddly enough, it didn't come up with her, but perhaps she's not in the database.

So, what celebrity do YOU look like?

UPDATE: The photo here on the blog is a bit old. It was taken at a New Years Eve party to ring in 2003. Since then I had my brain surgery (not that it's obviously disfiguring). I uploaded a picture that was taken last week for a poster. It came up this time with Meg Ryan! I can live with that a lot more than Katie.

The third arm could have come in handy today

I know that I try and carry too much at a time (sometimes with messy outcomes). But this AM, I had to bring my backpack, my purse, the plate of rice krispy treats, the bag of caramels, the state map book I wanted to show my coworker, and a couple fruit drinks (because we always run low on drinks at the potlucks).

I had the drinks in my pockets, and was carrying everything else. I made it in okay, and the janitor helped me open the door so that I didn't spill anything.

But that left it impossible to bring a breakfast in as well. Guess it'll have to be good old coffee and something moderately edible that won't set off my celiac. I have a big bag of grapes that would have been a good choice too *sigh*

Getting my head on straight

Okay, after I finished making the food for today's potluck, I really wanted to talk to my boyfriend. I'd probably tell him what happened, but I REALLY just wanted to hear from him. So I checked. He had sent me an email, but wasn't online.


So I sat there and stewed a while.

So I finally called him. He was out with a co-worker that needed a friend.

Great - now I feel terrible that I interrupted.

He called me when he was done. It woke me up, but I was able to wake up in the 45 minutes we talked. We both apologized. And he said that I could call whenever I wanted. After all, if he didn't want to talk to me, he wouldn't answer the phone (gotta love that caller ID thingie).

So I realized I had been an idiot yesterday. In all the "sweet talking" Playboy did, he never once asked what I had been through (like the brain surgery), and what my current problems are (celiac). So I guess some things never change.

Hopefully I'm less of an idiot than I was 10 years ago.