Life of a former witch

I've outgrown my wicked witch of the west ways. Reflections of life afterwards, living in the desert with two cats, friends, family, and my hot and cold love life.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Christmas mixing

So boyfriend/fiance's dad showed up last night for Christmas. He'll be here past Christmas. So far, he's gotten to see the various typical birds, coyotes, a javelina, and a bobcat. So he's gotten lots of wildlife footage to take back with him. But sadly, he missed the javelina party that my boyfriend photographed (will post pictures soon).

So today we braved some of the shopping today with his dad to get presents for Christmas. Tomorrow we're going to see boyfriend's cousin since she came for the holiday season so his dad can see that side of the family. Hopefully we'll remember all the gifts I have for such people.

Then we had a mediocre sushi lunch at the favorite sushi place in town. They had gotten a favorable review in Friday's entertainment section, and of course, it was mediocre. But for his dad, it was still very good. I guess I'm now spoiled with excellent sushi.

The funny thing is that my calico is so traumatized by this extra person in the house that she's been under the bed until everyone's asleep at night. The orange monster has been more apparent, and I gave the magic brush to boyfriend's dad. Now I wouldn't be surprised if he gets a midnight visitor tonight.

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yeah for Alba

It was over a year ago that I tried to get into this study to "do my part" for clinical research. Since my biopsy under local was scrubbed, and I wasn't willing to do the six week gluten challenge to get a "general biopsy" result, I didn't qualify for the study.

But the one good thing about trying to get into the study was that the Mayo Clinic lab test showed I was TTG positive instead of just gliadin positive. I almost framed those lab results.

Then about four months later, I tried to look for a new clinical trial for celiac. And even the Mayo Clinic study didn't show up. So I assumed that the study had been pulled for some reason or another.

So I was very pleased that when I checked a few months ago, the study showed up again on

Then I'm very pleased to see that a company in the UK is investing in this drug.

So I'll have to keep tracks on this drugs progress and I'll be one of the geeks in line if this ever makes the market.
