Life of a former witch

I've outgrown my wicked witch of the west ways. Reflections of life afterwards, living in the desert with two cats, friends, family, and my hot and cold love life.

Monday, February 06, 2006

A Mother's Love

Growing up, my mother didn’t have it easy. Neither did CK. They met in high school, and their shared experience of life’s hardships cemented their friendship to be life long friends.

My Mom got lucky. She married out of high school to a wonderful guy whom I call my father. CK got married out of high school as well, and loved her guy too, but it wasn’t the easiest of marriages.

11 months after my Mom got married, I was born. CK wanted children too, and tried for years to get pregnant. Almost three years later, my sister was born, and CK still had not gotten pregnant.

CK loved us very much. She was a part of our family, and we called her “Aunt”. CK watched us grow up, and still she longed for a child of her own.

When I was 14, she finally got pregnant. Needless to say, her age presented a problem. She refused an amino – she would love this child, no matter what.

Nine months later, she gave birth to a daughter. It was immediately obvious that there was something wrong. She was born with Down’s syndrome. CK didn’t care, she had a daughter, and she loved her daughter (I’ll call her Cate).

The doctors recommended she try and have another child. While this may sound crazy at first, the logic was even sadder. The odds were not that high that she would have another child with Down’s syndrome. When CK got too old to take care of Kate, the second child could take care of Cate so Cate didn’t end up in a home. She agreed, and her second daughter was born a year later (I’ll call her Kelly).

Kelly was born completely healthy, and is growing up to be a smart young woman. She likes science, and knows that she will be Cate’s caretaker someday.

Raising Cate has been very difficult. By the time she was eight, she was in a wheelchair because she wasn’t able to walk anymore. She has a limited vocabulary, and with her enlarged tongue, most people do not understand her. I understand the way she says “Mommie”, but I don’t understand much else. CK, however, does.

The family moved into a typical Midwest home (living room and kitchen on the ground floor, bathrooms and bedrooms upstairs and downstairs. CK carried her daughter to her bedroom at night. In the morning, she carried Cate from her bedroom to the bathroom, then down to her wheelchair. Finally, her knees gave out around March 2005. So the living room was converted to Cate’s bedroom, complete with lifting wench and hospital bed.

Cate underwent surgery in June 2005 to correct a spinal defect in her neck. It was hoped that she might be able to walk better once this was corrected. Cate didn’t understand what was happening to her. She pulled the stitches out of the back of her neck, which got infected. CK had to watch her almost around the clock to let the surgical site heal, and never complained.

Then sometime around the fall of 2005, Cate developed sleep apnea. Her obese weight and enlarged tongue was causing her not to breathe at night. CK again slept by Cate’s bedside barely sleeping in case the apnea alarm would go off. My Mom (and others) quietly hoped that CK would wake up one morning to find that Cate had passed on in her sleep.

This weekend, my Mom called to say that Cate was hospitalized for pneumonia. The first thing out of my mouth was “is CK agreeing to drastic life saving measures?” My Mom said that CK refused intubation because Cate’s voice is the last thing she has left, and CK doesn’t want to lose that.

It was that explanation that compelled me to write this. I don’t understand the drive to procreate. I sort of understand how strong the love of a parent is for a child from my parents. But it was that simple statement that made me think a lot.

CK has a daughter. Cate will never work. Cate will never stop needing therapy or visits to specialists. Cate will never live in her own place. Cate will never read back anything to her mother. With as much as Cate CAN do by herself, most people would have placed her in a nursing home situation. That is not an option for CK because she loved Cate completely and unconditionally.

Somehow, she also still manages to be a part of Kelly’s life. She always gives me the latest on what’s going on in her life (dating now). She and I both hope that Kelly will go to college, and have a life. I know it won’t be easy for Kelly. What Kelly chooses to do for Cate after her parents are gone is still before her.

The energy that her daughters take and CK willingly gives impresses me. I know that CK isn’t in the best of health, but she will do whatever it takes to make sure Cate is comfortable and taken care of, and Kelly isn’t left out of the picture either.

CK has shown me the power of a mother's love. I feel I do not have such a reserve in me. Thus, I will be a part of their lives (Cate's and Kelly's), and love them as a part of my family. But I feel I would be inadequate as a mother. I respect the power of a mother's love, and know when it's something beyond my capabilities.

Complaining does wonders sometimes

Last week when human resources called to get my opinion on our health care options, I gave them an earful on the crappy service I got when trying to sign up for mail order pharamacy.

My gripe was that I enrolled online, and had to provide my credit card information (to bill), and my email address. Their site said I would be contacted within 48 hours to confirm my registeration. I still had the script in my hand, and wasn't sure what to do with it. Where do I send it? Should I fill out the same registeration forms with the script? I was waiting for that information to be sent via email.

It was a week later that I got a call from human resources.

They provided me with a number, and after 10 minutes on hold, I got through to someone. BTW: their phone tree sucks. She was able to verify that I had registered and gave me instructions on how to mail in the script. She told me it would take two weeks. That was fine, I was still good with the samples provided to me.

Guess who was surprised to have a package delivered on Friday. Yup, they should have gotten the script Tuesday or Wednesday, and I got it at my door Friday. Shipping comes from Tempe, so it shouldn't take that long to get to my door.

My problem is that it is shipped cold because it is supposed to be stored cold until use. Getting a refill in May or August is going to be a bit tricky. Hopefully there's an easy way to get it delivered to work instead so it doesn't sit outside all day.

Buyer beware, so STFU

The condo I bought in Tucson was nice, low HOA dues, and in a nice neighborhood. I knew there was a farm about a mile away, but was not prepared for the nice farmy smells that drifted towards us in the evening hours. Did I complain, demand a refund, or petition to shut the farm down? Heck no, I didn't talk to the neighbors to get their impressions of living there, and I didn't think that the smell could travel that far.

So I don't have much sympathy for people that buy a house that comes up for sale in the Phoenix area. Only to discover a freeway will be built nearby, or a nearby train route, or a nearby airport. Supposedly, 1/3 of the home sales are to out of state owners who will be using it as rental, so they don't care. But the rest should do their homework, or at least talk to the neighbors first. With the prices homes are, you should know what you're getting yourself into.

Here's a bit from an article by the Arizona Republic about people complaining about how they got more than they bargained for: (stupidity hat required)

In Chandler, recent tests at a 44-year-old Santan Honeywell jet-engine facility about two miles south of the city resurrected neighborhood angst over the noise and how much was disclosed to home buyers. In 2003, neighbors filed two lawsuits in Maricopa County Superior Court against builders who failed to include the jet testing in reports.

The lessons? Don't count on sellers, agents or developers to disclose everything, experts say.

Several homeowners in Gilbert's Power Ranch were upset last year when an apartment complex built in their neighborhood turned out to include low-income housing, not the "luxury condominiums" many residents said they were told about. Plans to set aside as much as 90 percent of the units at the San Clemente apartment complex for low-income tenants were on the books for at least a year before many of the Power Ranch residents had bought their homes.

"You can't always depend on what you're told," Fee said.

When I move up to the valley, I probably won't be able to buy a home right away. Depending on where I get a job, I could stay with family to build up enough savings for a decent down payment. But I will be sure to investigate any investment I make in property.

Belief or idea?

Man, was it because it was Super Bowl Sunday that the networks decided to show stupid programs all day? The weekends that are mine (which are few and far between), I can leave the channel set to one for most of the day. Yesterday I had flipped through my channels a couple times before I left for the gem show.

Same when I came back. However, Comedy Central did show "Dogma". The scene I came in was the one where Bethany was on the train talking with Rufus on the train. Rufus says something that makes a lot of sense to me:

"It's better to have ideas instead of beliefs. You can change an idea...people die for beliefs."

Seeing the backlash to several European countries by angry Muslims make me think about this from Dogma. People fight for their beliefs, people die for their beliefs. When it comes to religion, it seems to me that since there's more than one major religion and they share some of the same elements, maybe it's better to have ideas instead of beliefs.

Will someone explain to me how Christinanity and Judiasm became so distinct from one another when they started from the same book?

Belief or idea?

Man, was it because it was Super Bowl Sunday that the networks decided to show stupid programs all day? The weekends that are mine (which are few and far between), I can leave the channel set to one for most of the day. Yesterday I had flipped through my channels a couple times before I left for the gem show.

Same when I came back. However, Comedy Central did show "Dogma". The scene I came in was the one where Bethany was on the train talking with Rufus on the train. Rufus says something that makes a lot of sense to me:

"It's better to have ideas instead of beliefs. You can change an idea...people die for beliefs."

Seeing the backlash to several European countries by angry Muslims make me think about this from Dogma. People fight for their beliefs, people die for their beliefs. When it comes to religion, it seems to me that since there's more than one major religion and they share some of the same elements, maybe it's better to have ideas instead of beliefs.

Will someone explain to me how Christinanity and Judiasm became so distinct from one another when they started from the same book?