Life of a former witch

I've outgrown my wicked witch of the west ways. Reflections of life afterwards, living in the desert with two cats, friends, family, and my hot and cold love life.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Runway final three

Okay, I couldn't resist - Bravo TV already posted tonight's episode highlights and lowlights.

I knew that based on the teaser commercials "Four left, and three are gunning for Santino to be out" wouldn't happen. I was pretty sure that Santino would stay (unfortunately).

Kara has had consistency problems throughout the season, and it looks like it caught up to her finally. A shame because I liked her stuff in the two episodes before tonights. Guess since she never won a challenge also doomed her.

Chloe has always strong showings. I also like her elegant simplicity.

Santino - overkill, overkill, overkill.

I think that Daniel will win it all. I'm not thrilled with everything he's produced, but he does do simple chic from time to time.

Almost good news

As big as Tucson is, it never ceased to amaze me that the only decent movie theatres are owned by Century. Because they essentially have the monopoly, they charge cheap rates for the first showing of a movie on the weekend, and $9 for other showings. Plus their seats are either reclining, or "loveseat".

Because the Phoenix area has theatres owned by Harkins, AMC, and a couple others, they offer the cheap rate for weekend movies until 4:00 PM. They also knock off the price a couple bucks if you produce a college ID. Plus, all their seats recline and allow the armrest to be pushed back (the "loveseat").

There were rumors years ago that Harkins was going to setup a theatre in Oro Valley. My movie friend and I were drooling, just waiting for it to open. We'd make a half hour drive to a Harkins.

Just like many other plans around Tucson, that never happened. But Harkins has committed to build a theatre - in south Tucson.

It's part of a neighborhood revitilization project. But I'm still leary of leaving my car in South Tucson. Plus, the selling point is to attract visitors from Mexico to the theatre.

Good thing I'll be living somewhere else by then. I can go to the Cine Capri by AMC and get a good experience (and trust my car won't be harmed while it's parked).

As good as I could have hoped for (I guess)

In my errand running I did after work yesterday, I got my hair trimmed. The girl who had been doing it for a while now was there, so I guess it was good timing.

She told me that it's Valentine's Day, and if boyfriend doesn't call, dump his ass. I said "Valentine's Day is a day created to guilt men into doing things they should be doing anyway. I understand that he's busy at his job, and if things come up and he can't contact me, I'll let him make it up to me later."

But he did call me last night. And he sounded soooo tired, that I was happy that he made the effort to call. He said he was going to have to go to bed in a couple hours, but he wanted to say "Happy Valentine's Day."

I told him that I appreciated the call, when his call waiting kicked in. It was the HI office. So he had to take that call.

Then about fifteen minutes later, he sent an email. I answered back, and didn't hear anything back. After an hour, I figured the poor baby just fell asleep on the couch or something.

This morning's check of email confirmed it - he did send me something back an hour after I went to bed. A long cat nap, and he was sorry.

I just wish there was something I could do to make his free time easier (like have a dinner ready). But the job will hopefully be over in three weeks.

He did say that he wants to make up for the crappy Valentine's Day. I said that he had to do what he had to do for work, but if he still wants to make it up to me, I guess I'll let him.