Life of a former witch

I've outgrown my wicked witch of the west ways. Reflections of life afterwards, living in the desert with two cats, friends, family, and my hot and cold love life.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Adira's the reason they say that curiousity killed the cat.

So far, no major bodily harm has happened, but today she got locked into a cabinet.

This morning, I had to open my bathroom cabinet that holds my lovely "time of the month" supplies (that I was hoping would STAY in the cabinet). Magnum came by as soon as I opened it. He was having fun sticking his face in there and checking things out. So instead of denying him a few minutes of idle curiousity, I left it open while I took a shower.

Came out of the shower, and Adira's now sniffing around in there.

Uhh, knock yourself out cat.

A few minutes later into my lotion routine, I look down at the cabinet, and there are no cats sniffing around. Figured it was best time to close the cabinet so loads of cat hair didn't get on the towels in there.

Finish the lotion routine, and I start hearing a slight scuffle noise.

Oh no, I didn't.

Open the door, unlatch the child safety closure thing. Orange, black, and white fluff comes tearing out from the cabinet.

She's getting awfully good at the stealthy jump because I didn't hear a thing when she jumped in the cabinet. She should just be thankful that I didn't close the cabinet on my way out the door, leaving her stuck there all day.

drop this!

*sigh* I'm still missing the last item from my big spending spree to end out a grant.

The first time I called, it was regarding two items from the same manufacturer. The "parent" company said that instead of having the manufacturer ship to parent, then parent ship to me, they'd do what's called a "drop ship" and have the manufacturer ship it directly to me. Essentially cut out the middle man, even though the middle man is going to get paid anyway.

Last week, one of the two items from the manufacturer arrived via UPS. Good start.

Yesterday, I'm still waiting for the second item to arrive. Call parent company to bitch. They look it up, and said that it was shipped on the 19th, and should arrive today (Monday).

Late in the day, it finally dawned on me that it HADN'T arrived. So I called the parent company, but I'm playing nice since I never got the tracking number in the first place. Mr. Nice Customer Service Man looked into it, and told me that the manufacturer screwed up.

Yes, the manufacturer shipped on the 19th. But for some reason, they didn't go with what worked the first time, and neglected to put the room number on the shipping label. So when it showed up in the loading dock, they didn't know where it would go. So it went back to UPS shipping center in Tucson.

Then Mr. Nice Customer Service Man said that he contacted UPS and gave them the room number. And he gave me the tracking number, so I can bitch at UPS if it doesn't arrive tomorrow when expected.

I have had nothing but nice experiences with VWR International. Perhaps it's because I have to put our customer account number in when I call. It's nice that when someone answers (in less than a minute), they know where I'm calling from already because the customer service number is entered already. That's what should happen with smart service systems.

diet and exercise

*ugh* I need to lose a few pounds to fit back into some of my pants. It's better today since over the weekend, I was gaining water for the upcoming (and unexpected) period.

So diet and exercise it is.

My Mom advised me that you either watch the carbs or watch the calories. But don't mix either or. Since I like fruit (a fruit energy bar is 32 grams of carbs), I'll stick to reducing calories.

Yesterday, I did pretty good. I need to figure out how many calories are in coffee, but the foods I could count calories on was only 250. Lunch was 270 calories (thank you Diet Coke with lime!). Dinner is estimated to about 650 calories, and I had a fruit energy bar of 140 calories on the drive home.

I know it's better to eat fewer calories at night, and eat more in the morning. But this morning, I had less of an appetite. I had only 125 calories.

The one thing I didn't do yesterday was get some exercise in. That is, unless you count a 10 hour workday as exercise. Since I threw my back out a couple weeks ago, walking sends sharp shooting pains down my legs. So I decided that walking in Sabino Canyon isn't such a good idea. My solution - pool time.

Lots of people use a pool for exercise. I might even pick up some water weights for resistance stregthening. But today, it's going to be just to swim one end of pool to another, and tread water for as long as possible.

That should burn off some calories.