Life of a former witch

I've outgrown my wicked witch of the west ways. Reflections of life afterwards, living in the desert with two cats, friends, family, and my hot and cold love life.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The big threat to our security

I remember the flak that hit the MSM when Google announed their sattelite photos as part of their map feature. Supposedly terrorists could use these to find out information to plan an attack. I finally started to play around with this feature. First of all, I was able to find my place, but the subdivision that's next to it is an empty lot. So I thought I'd play around with others areas that have undergone major changes in the last couple years.

I tried to look at the street where my parents live because there's been a lot of development (still ongoing) on their street. However, that area was blurry for some reason.

So I moved to a different part of my folks town. My mom manages an Ace Hardware store. They're looking for real estate to build a bigger store. If I trusted the Google Maps, I'd find this:

The blob like thing to the right is part of the town lake (man made of course). But I know for a fact that those empty areas either have developments on them now, or are being built right now.

And this was the highest I could zoom in on. I'm sorry, but if I'm scoping Google Maps for target information, I'd be a pretty terrible terrorist. So to everyone who claimed this is a threat to national security - HACAASASTFU (don't ask; just shut up!)

Stick a fork in me

I hate when I feel like I do today. It started last night when I was forced to IM boyfriend laying on the floor with my laptop on my stomach. My lower back can go into fits (I do have arthritis in my lower back), and sitting on the couch was just too uncomfortable.

Then I tossed and turned a lot last night. I normally sleep on my side most of the night, but because my lower back was giving me fits, I'd wake up, roll over, fall back asleep....repeat. Finally around 3:00 AM, I gave up and laid on my back and went back to sleep. And for some stupid reason when I'm on my back, my head has to be on its side. So the few good hours of sleep I got because my back was bothering me cost me a stiff neck and some shooting pains in my face along my cheek.

Then Adira started to pester me for about a half hour until I finally gave up and dragged myself to work. On the drive in, my lower right leg was causing me pain every time I moved my foot. Fine, I can drive with my left foot.

Drag myself into the lab to find that (again) our incubator has become a pencillin factory. I am not too surprised since Monday was the last time stuff in there was used, just before we smelled the rain in the fresh air intakes. I was half expecting it, but it still made the thundercloud over my head a bit darker.

Perhaps when my right cheek isn't trying to electrocute me with pain, I can get a better handle on today's events. Until then, I ask "is the day over yet? Damn....."

Donor fatigue

I suppose I should add the disclaimer that if I really felt like forking over my hard earned meager wages to a charity, I donate because I want to, not because someone solicited me for it. After Katrina, I donated mostly to animal rescue organizations that I read about in the press.

Then Friday when I went to pickup my pay stub, I had a form for the United Way for payroll deduction donation plan. I had to sign that I didn't want to contribute and hand it back (which made me feel like a weasel). However, I could setup payroll deduction for contributing to our local NPR station (their membership drive is this week).

There is another United Way fundraiser over lunchtime. I know I really shouldn't, but I'm going to buy a carmel apple that they're going to sell and call it lunch. At least I get some food and give a little too.

So after hearing pleas for donations for Katrina, Rita, the eastern earthquake, local public radio, United Way, I am about at my wits end. Then I get a listserv email for fundraiser for the Steele Memorial Children's Research group to attend a Haloween fundraiser. A couple minutes after that, my boss reminds me that the JDRF diabetes walk is next weekend.

*sreams loudly into the empty lab*

I really would like to give more. If you saw my post yesterday, I don't have the resources to donate to every worthwhile cause.

So that's what's wrong with Tucson drivers

I throughly enjoyed this post. I guess after they master their driving skills in Korea, they come to Tucson. I have seen pretty much everything on the list except for triple parking.

So for your Wednesday entertainment - Driving in Korea

Seriously, my biggest gripes about Tucson drivers are the lost clueless people and the people that do not understand the concept of the purpose of the left lane. Unfortnately the lost clueless population is about to explode in the next month or so as returning snowbirds are driving around trying to find someplace ("It's on the right, really." "Oh s**t it's on the left" *drives across three lanes of rush hour traffic*). Then there's the group of people that think it's really okay to go five miles UNDER the speed limit in the left lane.

My suggestions are first of all, know the street address of the place you're looking for. Odd numbered places are on the north side and west sides of the streets; even numbered addresses on the south and east sides of the street. Finally, if you've just seen the fifth car pass you on the right, perhaps your can turn on your brain for a second and comprehend that you need to go with traffic.

Oh wait, that would mean drivers need to use their brains.....what was I thinking?

(I'm thinking that if only Speedway had a bus lane, I'd be taking the bus to work and not having to deal with dumbnuts.)