Life of a former witch

I've outgrown my wicked witch of the west ways. Reflections of life afterwards, living in the desert with two cats, friends, family, and my hot and cold love life.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Donor fatigue

I suppose I should add the disclaimer that if I really felt like forking over my hard earned meager wages to a charity, I donate because I want to, not because someone solicited me for it. After Katrina, I donated mostly to animal rescue organizations that I read about in the press.

Then Friday when I went to pickup my pay stub, I had a form for the United Way for payroll deduction donation plan. I had to sign that I didn't want to contribute and hand it back (which made me feel like a weasel). However, I could setup payroll deduction for contributing to our local NPR station (their membership drive is this week).

There is another United Way fundraiser over lunchtime. I know I really shouldn't, but I'm going to buy a carmel apple that they're going to sell and call it lunch. At least I get some food and give a little too.

So after hearing pleas for donations for Katrina, Rita, the eastern earthquake, local public radio, United Way, I am about at my wits end. Then I get a listserv email for fundraiser for the Steele Memorial Children's Research group to attend a Haloween fundraiser. A couple minutes after that, my boss reminds me that the JDRF diabetes walk is next weekend.

*sreams loudly into the empty lab*

I really would like to give more. If you saw my post yesterday, I don't have the resources to donate to every worthwhile cause.


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