Life of a former witch

I've outgrown my wicked witch of the west ways. Reflections of life afterwards, living in the desert with two cats, friends, family, and my hot and cold love life.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Bias (on both sides)

I try and keep an open mind about things. While it is true that idealologically I support Democrats, I try and look at overall politics as a scientist (understand all aspects).

That's why I read both liberal and conservative blogs. I also read a lot of military blogs to try and get a feel for the mindset of troops stationed overseas. I suppose one of these days, I'll post a list of the blogs I read the most. However, I was reading a liberal based blog. The entry focused on casualities of the Bush Administration and listed all the various people that resigned or were fired. If you believe the facts of the post, these were people that spoke against Bush.

So it got me thinking. I wasn't following politics as closely during the Clinton administration (pain can be all consuming). So I did a search for "Clinton cabinet resigned". While a good number of these people decided (for whatever reason) to not stay for his second term, I did find a surprising number of names:

Secretary of Energy Federico Pena
Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy
HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros
Energy Secretary Hazel O'Neil
Secretary of State Warren Christopher
Defense Secretary William Perry
Commerce Secretary Mickey Kantor
Defense Secretary Les Aspin
CIA Director R. James Woosley

The point is that the Clinton Administration had its fair share of casualities. People tend to focus on this administration because it appears many people see our President as a polarizing figure (you either really like him or really hate him). And if I thought that an impeachment process against Bush for abuse of power for going into Iraq would help, I'd do it right now.

But you can't get all your information from just one source on the internet. Try and think about what someone with an opposing view might say. Then see how much credit there is to their claim.


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