Life of a former witch

I've outgrown my wicked witch of the west ways. Reflections of life afterwards, living in the desert with two cats, friends, family, and my hot and cold love life.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

So that's what's wrong with Tucson drivers

I throughly enjoyed this post. I guess after they master their driving skills in Korea, they come to Tucson. I have seen pretty much everything on the list except for triple parking.

So for your Wednesday entertainment - Driving in Korea

Seriously, my biggest gripes about Tucson drivers are the lost clueless people and the people that do not understand the concept of the purpose of the left lane. Unfortnately the lost clueless population is about to explode in the next month or so as returning snowbirds are driving around trying to find someplace ("It's on the right, really." "Oh s**t it's on the left" *drives across three lanes of rush hour traffic*). Then there's the group of people that think it's really okay to go five miles UNDER the speed limit in the left lane.

My suggestions are first of all, know the street address of the place you're looking for. Odd numbered places are on the north side and west sides of the streets; even numbered addresses on the south and east sides of the street. Finally, if you've just seen the fifth car pass you on the right, perhaps your can turn on your brain for a second and comprehend that you need to go with traffic.

Oh wait, that would mean drivers need to use their brains.....what was I thinking?

(I'm thinking that if only Speedway had a bus lane, I'd be taking the bus to work and not having to deal with dumbnuts.)


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