It's been a busy couple of days. And honestly after Friday when boyfriend got to my parents house, the computer never came back out of the backpack.
Thursday, I head out to parents house. Managed to get there in about two hours with a stop at Target. Proceeded to wash and dry the car.
Thursday between 1:00-2:00 PM boyfriend managed to get the "toy truck" to my folks house. My Dad was very excited and a bit jealous. But it can't stay at their house, so we convoy to the rental store to leave it at the loading dock. Unload the things in the "toy truck" that he'll need before he gets back to it, put it all in my car, and head back to parent's house.
Just as we get there, his cousin called. They're in Fountain Hills, and invited us to come swimming (it was like 95 degrees Thursday). Poor boyfriend looked exhausted, so we decided to pass. Gave her directions to the rental store so she could check out the "toy truck". So we chill out for a couple hours and he has a few beers.
Then folks took us out to dinner. Mom wasn't feeling good, but we managed to hard boil eggs for coloring for Easter.
Friday AM, we met up with his cousin for breakfast. After breakfast, we headed out to parents house to load up the car and head out to San Diego. Weather sucked - it was terribly windy in AZ, then heavy clouds and rain in the mountain pass in CA. So it took longer than it should have to get there.
But we eventually made it. Boyfriend cooked up a simple dinner, and we had a fire in the fireplace because it was cold and damp. Collapsed in bed.
Saturday. He took me around the area. We hit a couple BevMo's looking for gluten-free beer, the ocean, and a couple outdoor vehicle suppliers to start to get ideas for the "toy truck". I started to get a headache, so we headed back to the house. Barely avoided an accident on the freeway, but came away as a close call.
I think it was the weather that triggered an episode. As the skies cleared, and about 45 minutes of rest, I was good as new. So we went out to a seafood place that serves seafood to order in buckets, so it's a hands-on messy (but
VERY good) meal. Afterwards, we walked around a bit in the historic downtown area where the restaurant was.
Sunday. We slept in a bit. Cleaned up outside a bit. The sun came out, and it felt great. He cooked a pork roast with all the yummy goodies. Enoyed the nice outside weather. Watched "King Kong", did some erranding. Played cards that evening with pork leftovers and a fire in the fireplace. Glad I decided to stay Sunday and drive back Monday.
Sunday night we didn't sleep well. Two accidents occured on a road by the house between 2:00-3:00 AM. Heard shouted obsenities, cops, etc. Cops were still there with the tow trucks and such when we got up at 6:30. We both left around 7:30 so he could get started on his new ship job, and I could head back to Tucson. Got in at 1:30 with a messed up right shoulder (I got to where I couldn't easily turn the body to check blindspots in changing lanes). Cleaned up, took care of the things my cat sitter didn't do, and took a nap with a muscle relaxant to try and help the shoulder.
Always seems like the time I get to spend with boyfriend goes by too quickly. But he did finally say the "l-word" (sorta). We'll get to see each other again for Cinco de Mayo weekend - it'll be interesting (I'll explain later).