Life of a former witch

I've outgrown my wicked witch of the west ways. Reflections of life afterwards, living in the desert with two cats, friends, family, and my hot and cold love life.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

What I found on my walk

I'm finally working my "resolution" to get back to walking again. I'm feeling so fat and flabby I have to do something. Plus, there's nothing like a loving mother's words "you looked so much better last summer when you were walking".

I returned to Sabino Canyon. I decided that if I am lacking inititive to drive all the way over there, I will use the sidewalk and over road bridge to walk a bit. It's a nice backup if you don't mind sucking exhaust pipes.

The first dumb thing I did was forget my flashlight. I always keep a small and large one in my car.

The second thing was leave my water bottles in my car. It was very cool with the wind, so that wasn't as terrible.

Two things kept this walk limited to visible daylight: face zappers that started every time I turned my head to the right, and the fear of being unarmed with javelinas. Not that a large Maglight would be a good weapon, but at least the light would prevent me from running into any.

Didn't see any javelinas, but I saw a couple male cardinals (wasn't the same one twice - one was fatter than the other). Then I saw a deer cross the main path near the visitor center. That was way cool.

I think it's still too cold for the big trantulas. Hopefully they'll be back soon.

Drink enough?

I tried to keep up with a state of the union address in a drinking game. I was already woozy by the time he mentioned border security. I also ruined the calories I burned in a four mile walk with all the drinking I did.

I was thankfully saved by a phone call by my boyfriend. We talked for about ten minutes, and when I came back, I lost interest in the rest of the speech.

On a different drinking note, not having enough fluids can make you more sensitive to pain. Kind of a double edged sword for people dealing with TN types of pain. By the second day of my recent trip to hell, I lacked desire to even drink water. More double edged sword here - room temperature water can make me more sick to my stomach, refrigerated water can be too painful to my upper teeth.

approachable me

Perhaps it comes from when I worked as a cashier at a local hardware store, and part of my job was to be friendly to everyone. But people say I'm easy to talk to and approachable.

Last week it worked in my favor. I was in the steam room when the facilities guy showed up to fix the heat valve (it was stuck open). When he was done, he started talking to me about his job and how he wants to retire. I politely smile and nod, holding an ice bucket with samples destined for the -80 freezer. Because I got held up listening to this guy, I was in the main lab when boyfriend called. So it worked out for the best.

But this morning, I got called to ask my opinion on our healthcare plan. I actually have a gripe about the ease of signing up for the mail order service, so I got to say my piece. But why do I always get picked? This is the second time in three years they call on me for opinions, and they never call for any of the other staff members at our lab.

Guess they can tell from the phone that I'm an approachable person.

Headache hell

I wish it was migraines. Because then I could take something to help. This one was the worst in a while. It made me seriously wonder if my MCS battery was dying.

Went to bed Friday after another 11 hour workday. Woke up Saturday morning hurting. Went back to a fitful sleep for a couple hours, then gave up and migrated to the couch. I tried to adjust my neck, but the normal popping sounds weren't happening - not good.

By that afternoon, I couldn't touch my right cheek without setting the pain off even worse. Definately not good.

Went to bed with muscle relaxants in my system, woke up 12 hours later. Headache even worse Sunday morning.

I'm now where I barely ate anything Saturday, and yet I'm not hungry because my upper teeth on the right side are in so much pain that eating would be intolerable. Plus the pain is bad enough that I'm sick to my stomach. Slept a few fitful hours on the couch. Still can't make any adjustments to my neck. Try more relaxants.

Toss and turn all Sunday night. I give in and call in sick to work Monday. I'm trying not to think that suddenly this is the end of my MCS success. I'm hoping the pain will start to get better. I had to go and drop off some paperwork later that morning, returned home and threw up. Finally injected some Zofran to stop that. I know I'm getting dehydrated, so at least I have to work on getting some water in me.

By around 4:30 Monday afternoon, it starts to get better. I can touch my right cheek without wincing. My neck starts making sounds like it's adjusting (finally).

Take more muscle relaxants, watch 24. Tell boyfriend I'm better, and go to bed.

I was finally able to sleep on my right side again. A sure sign things are getting better.

So dragged myself in to work today. Wish I could have had some time to recuperate from that, but I would probably get stir crazy.

My theory as to the cause - I'm hoping it's hormones due to period. My gyn NP said that after February's cycle, I can go to constant birth control and not have periods. I have a follow up with her in a week, so I'll see if I can go constant now.