Life of a former witch

I've outgrown my wicked witch of the west ways. Reflections of life afterwards, living in the desert with two cats, friends, family, and my hot and cold love life.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Hummingbird tales

I put a hummingbird feeder on my porch about a month ago. I had hummingbirds visit my porch because the colors on my suncatcher would attract them. I didn't need to worry about advertising to attract them.

There are two kinds of hummingbirds that visit my feeder: the "hit and run" and the "visitor". It's obvious that there's some that continue to hover while they partake the feeder. Then others actually sit on the feeder supports and stop flying while they enjoy the nectar.

Adira doesn't seem to worry about them. So far, she doesn't seem anxious to try snacking on a hummingbird. Magnum today rushes out to the "hit and run" visitors (which is stupid because they're ready to fly already). Monday, Magnum seemed to run from terror from the visitors.

Now my feeder is so attractive to visitors that I saw a "hit and run" visitor chase away a potential visitor.

Maybe because it's overcast and sprinkling rain that made the hummingbirds hungry and viscious.

But I do like it when they chirp like they do - kind of like they're saying "thank you!"

bedtime already?

Don't I wish.

I had a flare of the celiac again this week. Don't know what set it off, but it takes about three or four days to run its course. I wasn't this tired during the last flare, so I'm not sure why I'm so tired this week.

The iron is keeping the leg cramps away, which is good. Don't think it's helpling the periodic limb movement disorder though. I know that PLMD is a sleep disorder. I suppose that I should try the medications again.

When I have sleeping trouble like this, I wake up in the same position I fell asleep in (almost always on my right side). My legs will feel stiff, which seems to be the PLMD. I'll be glutten for punishment and try the medication again. For some strange reason, the medications for PLMD make me toss and turn and stay awake for periods throughout the night - go figure.

I'm so tired today, I'm going to leave when I'm supposed to and take a nap before I talk to my boyfriend tonight. That's the nice thing about a three hour time difference. I'll be able to get a nap in, have dinner, and clean up before he gets back from work.

This building is for research??

I can't believe this is supposed to be a research building. Techinally, the University owns this building. But you can access the hospital by walking down a connected hallway. Some faculty will have joint tenure in the University and the hospital. So it creates "turf wars" from time to time.

Once, I got stuck in my building's elevator. I pressed the call button which connected me to University police. They asked if I worked for the University or the hospital. I said "whichever will get me the f**k out of here the fastest".

Friday in the early afternoon, a terrible smell penerated our floor. I got a headache, and felt sick to my stomach. About 15 minutes later, the police showed up at our door to evacuate us. So we got out early. Hazmat teams were entering the building as we were leaving. Monday, I found out that someone spilled benzene, and because it's an organic solvent, they decided to evacuate us.

This morning already there's a funky smell in the lab. Most people aren't even here yet. It isn't the benzene smell, but it smells like something died. So, maybe this will be a "get out of work" day because this building is a piece of crap that relies way too heavily on recirculating ventilation to effectively distribute smells.

I suppose that's also a give away if a terrorist wants to plan an attack on our building. Just plan on a day when I won't be here, okay?

Time zone hell

Because I live in the great big state of Arizona, we don't change our clocks for daylight savings. Never.

Unfortunately, we get most of our channels via California feeds. So when a show is advertised to air at 10:00 PM, it's really 11:00 PM. That's my problem with Project Runway. So I set my VCR to record it.

But I couldn't wait until I got home to watch and find out who got eliminated.

So I checked Bravo TV's website. Nick lost the last challenge. Kind of indifferent - I wasn't rooting for him to make the final three. But he seemed to be a nice guy. Chole won the last challenge - you go girl!!