Life of a former witch

I've outgrown my wicked witch of the west ways. Reflections of life afterwards, living in the desert with two cats, friends, family, and my hot and cold love life.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Ghost in the machine?

This seems like the perfect day to tell this story.

In our building on the SW wing there's two "freight" elevators that will take you down to one of the entrances to the animal facility. This is my perferred method of entering the facility because it's the closest entrance to our animals, and it's not a public elevator.

However, they are not without their quirks. They're programmed to keep one elevator on the 1st (bottom) floor, and the other on the 6th (top) floor. There have been times when on the first floor, I've called for the elevator and the one on the left will reach the bottom floor first, but not open its doors until the one on the right also comes to the bottom floor. I usually vent my fustration by kicking the door until it'll open.

Then this AM, I'm going to the animal facility. But first I make a detour to see a friend of mine to give a Halloween present. Wasn't there, so I return to the elevators, and without me pressing the call button, the retarded left elevator opens. I hold back, expecting someone to come out of the elevator, but nobody comes out.

Maybe the elevator ghost got tired of me kicking at its door and will open now when I come. Or perhaps only on Halloween.

Halloween random thoughts

Happy Halloween!!

I never really liked to go trick or treating as a kid. I was painfully shy, and having to approach a stranger's door, ring the bell, and listen to them gush about how cute we were still gives me a nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach. My folks would host the neighborhood Halloween party, and that was a bit better because it was all the neighborhood kids I knew. My sister managed to transfer some of the 8mm footage of one of these parties, and I was the loner kid (did I say I was painfully shy?)

Since I work at the hospital, employees and other kids show up for trick or treating. They usually don't make it to my wing, but I still have to be on the lookout for mobbed hallways of costumed kids blocking the way. Okay, the kids are cute. But what annoyed me was that Friday there was this group of middle-school aged girls looking for treats. And their costumes weren't that costumey (one was wearing a short cowgirl skirt, boots, and a cowboy hat, and another was wearing white with cat ears on her head). I guess kids are getting lazier. I should have brought my camera today to take pictures of the cute kids....

As of yesterday, my boyfriend and I are not in the same time zone. A bit weird, but getting used to it. When the new DST rules go into effect, we'll be in different time zones three weeks longer. BTW: neither of us could explain how the new rules will save energy.

Finally got the proper transfer cable to my camera and uploaded a bunch of cat pictures this weekend. I will post pictures sometime today (or tonight).