Life of a former witch

I've outgrown my wicked witch of the west ways. Reflections of life afterwards, living in the desert with two cats, friends, family, and my hot and cold love life.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

We live in a desert, right?

I didn't need any proof that things this monsoon season got off to a pitiful start. However, I did find proof that it is true. Here's a helpful chart to compare this year's rainfall amounts to the average.

Thanks National Weather Service - rub some salt into the wound. Too bad I don't live in Sierra Vista.

BTW: If you're wondering what the hell monsoons are, the NWS also has a nice page providing lots of details.

Liar, liar

When I first read about it this AM, it kind of made me sad (but I don't know exactly why). The short background of this is that in April, an army reservist named Patrick Haab held seven illegal immigrants at knife point. He claimed that he was an Iraq veteran, and felt that he was in danger because the seven had run up to him. He was improsioned for four days before being released without charges.

I'll give the Arizona Republic credit. They had reported a few weeks ago that Haab planned on suing the county for illegal improsionment. Then they looked further into Haab's military record and found out the true story.

Perhaps I'll eventually figure out why this makes me so sad, other than the fact that he seems to be a publicity hound.

I highly recommend

I've seen this in two different liquor stores in Tucson, so I'm sure that it can be found in most places in your neck of the woods. (If you like vodka, that is.)

A brand of vodka called Ciroc (with a < over the i) imported from France. It's made from grapes, so it is safe for celiacs. It may sound weird, but it is very good. The bottle itself is dark blue on the base, and the blue fades as the color goes up the bottle.

Let me know if you decide to try it....

a good diet strategy?

Monday night, I went to sleep after taking a medication for muscle spasms because my neck was very tight. Instead, I woke up at 4:45AM Tuesday with a much relaxed neck, but VERY tight facial muscles on my "bad" side. I woke up on that side, but still don't know what caused that to happen. I knew I was in trouble when I could barely open my mouth to speak (gee, eating is going to be interesting).

Called in sick, took a bunch of relaxants, and tried to rest. By the afternoon, I was able to eat something other than yogurt, but it was painful. Icing it helped a bit more, and now I'm a bit more "normal".

Then I woke up this AM, to find the same tight muscles on the OTHER side of my face (though not as bad). I wish I knew what was going on here. I know I sleep with my mouth open, and have tried to stop that, without much success. *sigh*

So it's more yogurt and other soft foods today. I guess that's one way to keep from eating too much.