Life of a former witch

I've outgrown my wicked witch of the west ways. Reflections of life afterwards, living in the desert with two cats, friends, family, and my hot and cold love life.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

uber geekness

Okay, if there's one thing that Sprint is good at is that they let me go without a fight. I called to find out if today I could get out of my contract.

Yes, and they didn't even ask why I wanted to switch to a different provider. I think they have some good ideas.

So went to the Cingular store, talked with some helpful friendly guys. Walked out about 45 minutes later wtih my new Treo 650. My inner geekness is happy.

Rant alert

RANT ALERT. A rant alert has been issued for this blog effective immediately....

I know this will piss off the smokers, but I say "it's about time".

Today, the surgeon general said there is no safe level of second hand smoke. I think the term "involuntary smoking" is going to be a new catchphrase.

One of the reports findings makes me want to scream however:

On the plus side, blood measurements of a nicotine byproduct show that exposure to secondhand smoke has decreased. Levels dropped by 75 percent in adults and 68 percent in children between the early 1990s and 2002. However, not only has children's exposure declined less rapidly, but levels of that byproduct among children are more than twice as high as in nonsmoking adults.

Our immunology studies show that those who have the least amount of nicotine exposure (just above background) have the LOWEST amount of lymphocyte growth. So while there's a decrease in the amount of nicotine second hand smokers are exposed to, it could be more harmful than if it's a lot of nicotine they're exposed to.

GEEK NOTE: When they refer to nicotine byproduct, they're referring to cotinine. When your body breaks down nicotine, it takes one molecule of nicotine and converts it to one molecule of cotinine. All smoking studies I've seen test for presence of cotinine because it shows how much nicotine the body is processing.

I'm overall happy that this is coming out. I personally cannot stand smoke around me. I'm happy that every non-bar eating place in Pima county is non-smoking. I don't go to bars because of the smoke. Saturday night at the casino I got stuck next to a woman with a never ending cigarette. Even when I started coughing, she looked at me with a look like "go somewhere else." If smokers are in the minority of the population, why are we bending over backwards for them when as a minority with dietary restrictions can be told "tough luck".

Well, tough luck smokers. I'm sick of putting up with your smoke breaks, your flippiant attitude in starting wildfires with your cigarette butts, and your inability to understand not understand that you're in the minority.

This now ends the rant warning for this blog.

Rain, rain

....don't go away

Last night two storms blew across my neck of the urban woods. The first was the heavy rain, lightning, and thunder. Very cool. An hour later, the wimpy stepchild showed up. Never heard the rain, but I saw it. Didn't hear lightning or thunder. I suppose the lighter rain is better because it has more of a chance to soak in. Heavy rainfalls just run off.

Hopefully it'll do that again tonight. I'm trying by tempting fate. I do still park in the shade spot, but I roll the windows a small bit, and leave my umbrella in the car. Yesterday, I noticed around 1:30 that you could smell rain in the building (that's one good thing about fresh air intakes). Looking outside, it didn't look liked it rain. It had rained just enough to get the windshield dirty (seat was still dry). So take that :P

I know this increases the chances I'll have to eventually walk a couple blocks in the pouring rain, but it'd be worth it.

Treo countdown

Yup yup yup, tomorrow's the day.

Tomorrow I'll walk into my place after work with my new Treo 650. Bye-bye Sprint, hello AT&T.

My inner geekness is coming out.

Life lesson

I learned Sunday afternoon why people with TN pain should just shut down and not try anything relating to normal life.

Sunday AM, after my shower, I grabbed my toiletries from the tub and put them in the sink to dry before packing. Breakfast with the folks, then packed up the car to leave. I remembered everything, BUT the toiletries. I didn't even realize it until after the Perocet started to kick in, hours after I got home.

Normally not a problem....except I'm heading off the San Diego Saturday morning.

And my folks went out of town to Winslow after I left. So I called them to tell them of my major blunder. They'll get home this afternoon, and hopefully I can still receive it by Friday.

The least irreplaceable item one would think would be my glasses. But it seems to be my shampoo and conditioner because I went looking for more yesterday (in case the bag doesn't make it by Friday - and it'll get used eventually if the bag does come in time). Couldn't find the shampoo and conditioner that I'm currently using. So now I'm really hoping the bag shows up by Friday.

All my other toiletry items I have in larger quantities in my bathroom. Yeah it'd be a pain, but I can just take pack a bigger bag.

Guys, yes it does matter what shampoo and conditioner we use...boyfriend doesn't understand that either