Life of a former witch

I've outgrown my wicked witch of the west ways. Reflections of life afterwards, living in the desert with two cats, friends, family, and my hot and cold love life.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Yeah me!

I've been a contact and support person for the pain listserv. Specifically if people are seeking answers and information on the motor cortex stimulator procedure since I went through it almost three years ago now.

Then I got hooked up with a group that is gathering information and experiences. I put my story out there, and left myself available if someone had questions. They mentioned that they were going to the trigmeinal neuralgia conference in Portland in September, and if I could come, they'd like to meet me in person. They're going to have a session at the conference speaking about their experiences and such.

Now I've been invited to be one of the speakers on the panel.

I still haven't decided if I'm even going to the conference. I have a friend that moved there a few months ago, so it'd be a good excuse to have dinner with him and his lovely girlfriend. Plus, boyfriend thinks he'll be in Seattle for a job around the same time, so he'd try and come for a day.

So I have some good reasons to go. Yet there's a small part of me that doesn't like to dwell on my past experiences. I don't want to get in the habit of thinking that I still live in pain everyday. I suppose they'd say that you can't move past the experience if you can't look back on it without fear.

Should I stay or should I go?

Blast from the past

We've all heard the famous quote by Bill Gates in which 256K memory would be enough for everyone back in the day.

Here's today's "blast from the past":

Terminal 2, with its 15 gates, opened in 1962. At the time, airport officials thought it would handle air traffic at Sky Harbor until 2000.

Yeah, if nobody else moved to Phoenix.

But they did. Now Phoenix sits at the #6 busiest airport (last time I checked).

Currently, Terminal 2 at Sky Harbor airport is the smallest of three terminals (I still haven't figured out what happened to Terminal 1). It is a nice small accessible terminal kind of like Tucson's airport. Terminals 3 and 4 are much bigger. I remember once I was flying cross country and had to change planes in Phoenix. Though both planes were in Terminal 4, it took me 20 minutes of frantic running on the moving sidewalk to go from the end of the B gates to the end of the A gates.

I'll still be sad to see it go.