Life of a former witch

I've outgrown my wicked witch of the west ways. Reflections of life afterwards, living in the desert with two cats, friends, family, and my hot and cold love life.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Post #300!!

This being my 300th post, I figured I'd share this momentous occasion with my kitty cats:

Thank you Magnum

Thank you Adira

Bound for San Diego

That's right - tonight I will be in San Diego. Printed my boarding pass last night, not checking a bag, and got directions to the extended parking lot (which I've never used in Tucson).

So I'm trying to figure out when I need to leave for the airport. Since I have to be screened individually, this can take some time if the screeners are busy. No need to fear - Tucson International Airport has a website. I found that by going to this site then clicking on the flight departures link, I got a screen of all the departing flights of the time. At first, it sorted by destination, but then I clicked on the departure time, and it sorted that way.

Long story short, the next flight to leave Tucson is about a half hour after mine departs. I think that based on that information (and the odds of the plane being full on a Thursday night) means I can show up about 30-45 minutes before the flight leaves.

To be safe, I will be at the airport with 45 minutes to spare. I have a new book to read to keep me company: Guns, Germs, and Steel. My iPod is also happily charging so I'll be fine I'm stuck sititng around for a while.