Life of a former witch

I've outgrown my wicked witch of the west ways. Reflections of life afterwards, living in the desert with two cats, friends, family, and my hot and cold love life.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Free to a good home

Okay, not really. But Magnum's really pissed me off, and I don't know what to do about it.

This is Magnum. Your basic fat, red striped tabby. I've had him since he's a little 2 month old kitty. He used to climb up my jeans when I wasn't paying him enough attention (which came to an abrupt end after he tried to that to a cat sitter even though I warned her to wear jeans when coming by my house). He was the only cat for about two years, until I was guilted into taking in another cat. Even though both were fixed males, Magnum gave up the "alpha cat" position, and gained all the weight in a fit of depression. After a couple years, Magnum became the only cat in the house again. But he seemed mopey, and thought that he'd want another cat again.

Then after a couple months of "just the two of us", a litter of calicos were available for adoption. I couldn't resist these beautiful kitties. Plus, the prospect of having a kitty that I got to name was tempting (I already had the name Adira picked out for a girl kitty). I thought that Magnum would accept a girl kitty and remain "alpha cat". I think it's a calico trait, but Adira does have a big mouth which can get annoying. And Adira thought it was fun to chase after Magnum's tail, which he didn't seem to appreciate very much.

Still, life settled into some sort of routine. Magnum tolerated Adira, but this picture was taken when Adira would flop asleep next to an already sleeping Magnum. But Magnum would take a passing swipe at Adira from time to time as she'd walk past the fat cat. Now that it's cool at night, I leave the back patio door open because the cats can't leave the patio, and nobody can enter through the open door. However, last night, I was dismayed to be woken up to Magnum growling and hissing followed by the sound of cats running.

This AM, I found Magnum sitting on the couch, sporting a cut on the right side of nose going up half the length of the bridge of his nose. Adira was lounging on the patio, soaking up the morning sun. I was hoping that Magnum had accepted that Adira's a part of the house, and could be a threat to him, so he should just learn to live with her. But when I shooed Adira into the house to close the door to close up the house for the day Magnum growled and hissed at her as she ran inside.


Then when I was finishing getting ready for work, already feeling like crap. Magnum sat on the toilet seat, and perhaps sensing that I was feeling sick to my stomach from the pain suddenly threw up his food with part of it landing on the tub, the rest on the floor next to the tub.

*double sigh*

The hell of my ATFP

While I try not to dwell on such things, I can't escape the pain today. So I'll try and answer the question "what is it like to live with this pain?"

Let's see. Across my right cheek there's sharp zings that feel like electric shocks. The hard part of dealing with this is to not have my right side of the face to tense up during these shocks. But by far the most intense pain comes from my right temple. I tend to describe it as a tightly focused mass that wants to explode out of my temple. When it gets like this, I have no choice but to hold my head in a position that is the least painful. But when I have to walk, every step causes explosive pain in my temple, forcing me to walk slowly and carefully.

Welcome to my hell for today. Too bad I'm at work and can't just drink away the misery.