Life of a former witch

I've outgrown my wicked witch of the west ways. Reflections of life afterwards, living in the desert with two cats, friends, family, and my hot and cold love life.

Thursday, February 23, 2006


I think I've mentioned sometimes that I'm not a very patient person.

Right now the long program for the ladies figure skating is going on. So what am I doing since I can't watch it live?

Keep reloading this page

Right now if the remaining skaters do well, Emily will finish 8th. Way to go girl - look forward to seeing you in the future.

UPDATE: I don't think I can watch tonight knowing what happens to Sasha.


I need sleep!

Okay, I'll clarify - I need quality sleep.

I am pushing around 9 hours of sleep. Yet if I didn't have to go to work I could easily sleep for another four or six hours for sure.

Since Sunday night, the iron I've been taking with dinner seems to have stopped working in calming the leg cramps. I'm sure that's a big part of why I am not sleeping well. You'd have a hard time sleeping too if a simple movement of your leg would cause painful cramps that get you wide awake and wincing.

Guess it's time to retry Calcium and Magnesium. Or the prescription medications that kept me up more at night than let me sleep.

"I'm telling Mom!"

What's going on with Magnum and Adira is bringing back memories of my childhood with my younger sister.

How my Mom put up with the two of us without causing physical harm to anything amazes me today. We did not get along at all. We had separate bedrooms, and we still annoyed the heck out of one another. We broke a mirror and put a hole in a wall with all our door slamming. Then there's all the yelling.....

Magnum has been really going after Adira. Most of the time now it seems unprovoked. Adira will be walking into the bedroom, and Magnum tears after her to "munch" on her. I don't have much sympathy for her when she's been meowing and being a general pest (heck, I've been tempted to munch her for it).

But the lack of reason why Magnum is being so aggressive is concerning me. Last night Adira would not come back in the house after I opened the back door to the patio. She came in once, and Magnum chased her back outside. Finally a half hour later, she came in and ran like the wind to avoid a Magnum munching.

I don't know what to do. Part of me is happy Magnum is getting more exercise. I just wish it wasn't at Adira's expense.


You've heard the joke "How do you get a cat to sound like a dog - pour lighter fluid on it and drop a lit match"

In AZ, just omit the lighter fluid part.

Last winter we had record rainfalls. It was nice, long dry riverbeds were flowing, and wildflowers were abundant. NTS: recover my wildflower pictures from my old laptop.

The summer was hot and mostly dry. All those pretty flowers and bushes began to dry out. Nonexistent winter rains continued the trend. We've already had several forest fires (all caused by some idiots).

The governor, learning from the disaster in LA has already declared a state of emergency to begin preparing for the upcoming fires.

I hope I'm proven wrong. But it looks like we could exceed the damage of the Rodeo-Chedaski fire which burned under half a million acres.

Fire restrictions went into effect this morning along the Rim country. The area covers three national forests, and has already had to fight one fire.

Victory for bible thumpers

I just got sick to my stomach. I have a cousin raising his three kids in South Dakota. My impression - bible thumpers.

Not that it's all bad - the kids are very well behaved and polite.

But the attempt to ban abortion in South Dakota just makes me retch. I guess it's mostly because I don't want to be told what I can't do if I can't handle having a child at that time.

Could I actually go through an abortion - I don't know. I've never had to cross that bridge. But I would like to have the option if I needed or wanted it.

Forgive the rant - I'm very tired today. I'll explain later.