Life of a former witch

I've outgrown my wicked witch of the west ways. Reflections of life afterwards, living in the desert with two cats, friends, family, and my hot and cold love life.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

that'd cheer anyone up

I just got some good news that will at least cheer me up for now. When I was going through the phone orientation with the national branch in Maryland, I mentioned that I am paying COBRA and wanted to know when I could dump their sorry ass and be covered here.

"Some divisions pay their employees 40% of their COBRA costs until they're covered. Check with your supervisor and division head to see if they'll do that for you."

Sure enough, they agreed. Once my check clears, I forward that with the invoice to the national outfit. And they'll pay me back 40% of the cost.

Sweet. Guess working for the governement has some benefits. Now I just need to come up with the payment in full.


blue day

I thought that my new version of birth control was supposed to keep me from being an emotional wreck. Today is one of the days I'm doubting that.

First, I found a gray hair. A real one on my head by my two eyes. *sigh*

Then I've been missing boyfriend. Haven't had an email from him since Sunday when he told me that our Memorial weekend plans were changing destinations. I asked "where?" and hadn't heard back. So I finally texted him with a "miss you" so he could call me when he had a chance. Finally figured out where we're going, but he's not going to be here long, and our alone time is going to be pretty non-existant.

Then I check my bank account today since this is when I get paid. Sure enough, got paid. But I'm off by $0.09 So in cross referencing my online statement to my checkbook, I account for 5 of the missing cents (mis-entries on my part I'm sure), but can't figure out the remaining $0.04 I almost start to cry at this moment.

So instead I took a deep breath, added the $0.04 to my latest gas purchase to get my balance to even out. I'm not going to worry about 4 missing pennies.

I'm just happy I got paid today. I can finally start working again on my savings. And I get a second paycheck Friday for the work at the hardware store.

But it's not making me very happy. I hope it's just because I'm tired to the point of wanting to burst into tears at a simple "hello". I truly hope it isn't because of the birth control horomones.
