Life of a former witch

I've outgrown my wicked witch of the west ways. Reflections of life afterwards, living in the desert with two cats, friends, family, and my hot and cold love life.

Monday, February 27, 2006

More "24"

I'm bouncing out of my couch in anticipation for the two episodes next week.

Here's my summary of tonight's episode:

I love the Section 124 cause. Bye-bye fat hobbitt.

Weasel isn't sure what to do about saving the Russian president now that his Mrs. is with them. In the end, he sticks to his guns. But why didn't they think to anonymously tip off CTU?

Jack sure got suckered by his former boss. He should have known that Jack is the Teflon Man, and a simple bomb wouldn't kill Jack. BTW: that's one heck of a powerful bomb in such a small container.

Chloe and Edgar working together - the start of something wonderful??? ;-)

That Secret Service guy that saved the first lady and the Russians could give Jack a run for the money in the "tough guy" category.

Making its mark (women only)

I have a rough time during that "time of the month". Mostly cramps that have me curled up into a whimpering ball of misery. I was fortunate that this weekend I had the cramps start, so I didn't have to call in sick.

When this episode is over with, my NP told me that I could use my birth control continuously. I have Nuva-Ring, and there's enough medication for 35 days. So there's no reason why I shouldn't try continuous use.

I like Nuva-Ring. The first few days it can slip, but after two days, it stays put. Boyfriend knows it's there, but he didn't say anything good or bad about it.

So I'm glad this will be my last period for a while. But it sure is leaving a bang.

Last night, I had to drag out the heating pad for the cramps. It stayed until bedtime, but I didn't drag it to my bedroom. I was woken up around 3:15 AM with terrible cramps. I rolled around from side to side until something was a bit comfortable, and then I went back to sleep.

This morning, I noticed the flow was a bit on the low side. So I was hoping that it going to be a mild episode. Then I got in the shower. The warm water relaxed me enough I guess and I passed a decent sized clot. Then the absent flow appeared. Well, at least I was in the shower and was able to clean up.

March 1, the new ring will go in. I'll have to break open a bottle of Teton for a farewell toast to monthly hell.