Life of a former witch

I've outgrown my wicked witch of the west ways. Reflections of life afterwards, living in the desert with two cats, friends, family, and my hot and cold love life.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Cause for concern

I've been very concerned with the goings-on at the Supreme Court. I honestly wonder sometimes if Rhenquist stayed on the bench until his dying day because he didn't want two openings on the court, or because he was a workalcholic.

With the upcoming vacancy by Sandra Day O'Connor, it's important to find a strict interpertation of the constitution. Sure, your views of the world will influence the way you interpert, so it's not a perfect system. But I always seemed to believe that O'Connor's views were less politically influenced than others. With her vote often in the crucial 5-4 vote, it's important to replace her with a similar type of person.

Based on what I'm reading, I'm not too sure that Harriet Miers is that person. Here's a summary of some of her involvements:

Miers represented Microsoft and (successfully) argued that Microsoft could charge for an update to repair a flaw in a previous operating system.

Miers and statements about abortion and gay rights.

So, it appears to she is a business conservative and a moral conservative. Perhaps I'll be proven wrong and she'll be an O'Connor. But it sure stinks of cronism.


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