Life of a former witch

I've outgrown my wicked witch of the west ways. Reflections of life afterwards, living in the desert with two cats, friends, family, and my hot and cold love life.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Find the gluten

*grrrr* This is the worst of food labels.

I was at Wild Oats Sunday. They're pretty good at labelling items with a big "gluten free" tag in front of them. But they miss some things (like their flourless chocolate raspberry torte). So I still read labels.

I've had bean and cheese taquitos from Trader Joe's. I figured it'd be gluten free if corn tortillas are used. I picked up a box of Nate's black bean and soy cheese taquitos. I read the ingredients and didn't see anything wrong.

Ate them, and the next morning I knew something was up. As the day progressed, I knew it was a gluten attack.

Got home and grabbed the empty box. I'm still not seeing anything. Then in a different location of the box from the ingredients it says "contains wheat and casein (a milk protein)"

F**kers. Where is the wheat source? I finally posted the ingredients to the celiac support listserv. To my "comfort", they couldn't figure out the wheat source either. I got a few suggestions of maltodextrin (have had that in the past), carmel coloring (made in CA, so that should be okay like other products).

The best suggestion was the "natural flavoring".

The moral of the story: avoid Nate's until they can clearly identify the ingredients so label readers can find the gluten.



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