Life of a former witch

I've outgrown my wicked witch of the west ways. Reflections of life afterwards, living in the desert with two cats, friends, family, and my hot and cold love life.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Just smile while gritting my teeth

I get a call from a lab that we closely associate with. Last week I helped them install Mac OS 10.4 by booting via firewire. Today she asks if I have any old System Install disks:

ME: "How old do you mean?" Silently praying that I haven't finally gotten rid of the 7.6 floppy disks (all 14 of them).

Other lab: "Seven six?"

ME: "Well I'll look and if I can find them, I'll bring them over, okay?"

Anyway, I get over there with my disks, and it turns out that they HAVE a PowerMacintosh 7600 and simply want the drive zeroed before it gets surplused. Well, the 7.6 system disks are worthless, but my TechTool boot CD did the job nicely.

I understand that if you're a PC person, the Mac world is quite foreign. But she's been in this lab for two years now (which is all Mac machines). I'm sure she doesn't care about the difference, so I just smiled and nodded *sigh*

At least I got some exercise in by having to make several trips back and forth between our labs (which are in different buildings).


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