Just smile while gritting my teeth
I get a call from a lab that we closely associate with. Last week I helped them install Mac OS 10.4 by booting via firewire. Today she asks if I have any old System Install disks:
ME: "How old do you mean?" Silently praying that I haven't finally gotten rid of the 7.6 floppy disks (all 14 of them).
Other lab: "Seven six?"
ME: "Well I'll look and if I can find them, I'll bring them over, okay?"
Anyway, I get over there with my disks, and it turns out that they HAVE a PowerMacintosh 7600 and simply want the drive zeroed before it gets surplused. Well, the 7.6 system disks are worthless, but my TechTool boot CD did the job nicely.
I understand that if you're a PC person, the Mac world is quite foreign. But she's been in this lab for two years now (which is all Mac machines). I'm sure she doesn't care about the difference, so I just smiled and nodded *sigh*
At least I got some exercise in by having to make several trips back and forth between our labs (which are in different buildings).
ME: "How old do you mean?" Silently praying that I haven't finally gotten rid of the 7.6 floppy disks (all 14 of them).
Other lab: "Seven six?"
ME: "Well I'll look and if I can find them, I'll bring them over, okay?"
Anyway, I get over there with my disks, and it turns out that they HAVE a PowerMacintosh 7600 and simply want the drive zeroed before it gets surplused. Well, the 7.6 system disks are worthless, but my TechTool boot CD did the job nicely.
I understand that if you're a PC person, the Mac world is quite foreign. But she's been in this lab for two years now (which is all Mac machines). I'm sure she doesn't care about the difference, so I just smiled and nodded *sigh*
At least I got some exercise in by having to make several trips back and forth between our labs (which are in different buildings).
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