Life of a former witch

I've outgrown my wicked witch of the west ways. Reflections of life afterwards, living in the desert with two cats, friends, family, and my hot and cold love life.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

spring rolls - not just for Asians

I did a second round of spring rolls this week. Mostly because I had an empty fridge and freezer and needed some lunches for work this week. Also because I still had a ton of spring roll wraps from the package I bought. At least in the dry desert, they don't seem to go bad.

I was smarter this time and took a skillet and filled it with water to dunk the entire circle of paper in at once. And you can take the circle out of water even if part of it is still hard. Leave it on the work surface for a minute, and the water left on it will do its thing. If you leave it submerged too long, it's too thin and splits too easy. But I still don't have a great feel for it.

I took lettuce, cheese, corn, and diced ham from the fridge and went to work. I added some spicy mustard to the ingredients before wrapping them up. I made eight rolls before calling it quits.

The results: pretty darn good. Lots of meat (yum), and having the mustard in the wrap didn't make it seem as dry. And these were a lot more filliing because I only ate two yesterday with a Boomi Bar.

So I have lots of leftovers if anyone wants to try....



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