Life of a former witch

I've outgrown my wicked witch of the west ways. Reflections of life afterwards, living in the desert with two cats, friends, family, and my hot and cold love life.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Something we can't buy

*ugh* One of these years, I'm going to start finding lunch alternatives besides the hospital cafeteria. Today was meatloaf (but I seriously doubt that was meat they started with).

Okay, now onto bigger issues. Apparently, we are still trying to understand the Iraq insurgency. Well killing them in large numbers wasn't working, so now we'll try and understand their reason for fighting.

How about the fact that foreign troops invaded their holy land?

Most people in this country would stand and fight if someone stormed their property. I would if I carried a firearm. Religious conservatives wouldn't stand by and let someone destroy their church either. Think about that for a while....

It's entirely possible that if the troops do leave, they'll seize power. That isn't the main reason Osama and his followers fight (but I'm sure they'd be happy having their own country to continue their practices without persecution because they own it). I might be a naive idiot, but continuous troop presence in their sacred grounds is NOT the way I would go about dismantling the insurgency.

What's the best solution? Sorry, only get one philosophical answer a day - suffering years of pain does not make you smarter or wiser (just more appreciative of life).


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