Life of a former witch

I've outgrown my wicked witch of the west ways. Reflections of life afterwards, living in the desert with two cats, friends, family, and my hot and cold love life.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Going crazy (or perhaps it's just the celiac)

This is something I can't easily make up. A couple weeks ago, I began my walks in Sabino Canyon (around 4-5 miles). After my first trip, boy were my legs sore the next day, but that was the end of it. Since then, I have begun to notice that the backs of my lower legs have a weird numbness to them. I don't know if I should call it numbness or decreased sensation. Honestly, I didn't notice it until I became a bug buffet, and when I scratched the bites, the backs of my legs didn't feel right.

Yeah, eventually I can feel pain, but I practially have to scratch the skin raw to get there. Then Tuesday, I noticed that the back of my right foot had a burst water blister, and a scabbed over blister area. I assume that it's from wearing walking shoes that didn't fit right (since returned and exchanged for better ones), but that was a week a half ago. In the past, I always knew when I had blisters on the backs of my feet.

I guess I'm going to have to check my legs more carefully and make sure cuts are treated quickly. Magnum got his claws into my big toe (again didn't really hurt, but I felt his weight on my foot), so that's been treated.

This just sucks! And I thought walking was supposed to be good for you. I can't even blame it on my motor cortex stimulator for two reasons. One is that it's BOTH limbs, and the MCS would only affect the right one, and I haven't made any changes to the pulse width for a long time.

I've read articles about possible neurological complications with celiac. I suppose I need to find out more....


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