Life of a former witch

I've outgrown my wicked witch of the west ways. Reflections of life afterwards, living in the desert with two cats, friends, family, and my hot and cold love life.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Childhood ghosts

Oh my, how the ghosts of my childhood are coming back to bite me.

Magnum and Adira have this hate-hate/jealous thing going on. I have my stack of drawers that hold my craft items. It stands about 5' high. It tends to be an attractive cat sleeping spot. If I had a webcam, that's where it would be pointed.

Adira generally wins the battle of "seat on the throne". She spent about an hour on it when I got home from work. Now Magnum's on it.

That's generally when Adira decides she HAS to be on the shelves. She whines about it (loudly). She even tried to butt in, which is a swift trip to the floor. Tonight she got in between the blinds and the window where the shelves sit. So she decided that whining wasn't enough, so jumping around in the blinds was a great way to express her dissatisifcation that Magnum's in "her" spot.

She's over sulking by my tulips right now. But craning her neck to the shelves to see if Magnum's still up there.



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