Life of a former witch

I've outgrown my wicked witch of the west ways. Reflections of life afterwards, living in the desert with two cats, friends, family, and my hot and cold love life.

Monday, February 18, 2008


I should just say that I was abstaining from blogging for Lent.

But that would mean that I'm a practicing Catholic.

I've been super busy. I signed the papers for a house, and literally picked the keys up today! So I'll be spending the next week moving in. I'll be breaking in the washer and drier before anything in the kitchen.

The best part is that there's a fireplace, with charming brick work around it. And it might get cold enough this weekend that I might actually use it.

I love how big the kitchen is. Complete with an empty corner for a small table. But I'll put in a butcher block cabinet thing instead to have more working surfaces.

The bedroom furniture is being delivered tomorrow thanks to my awesome dad going over to accept it. The mattress won't get in place until Friday, but hey, small steps.

Not sure when the cats will move in (take over). Furr monster (Magnum) will be easier to move, since he's had lots of recent vet visits due to his illness. So to de-stress him, I took him for non-vet car rides (pick up prescriptions, go see my sister, whatever). The fluff monster will be difficult to get to the final destination, but she'll be running the place soon enough. There's lots of closets they'll love to climb up in, and these nooks and shelves they'll love to take over.

Yes, the furr monster has cancer. And the vet thinks it's spread to the liver too. So I've been very torn about what to do with the poor fellow. The two biopsies couldn't produce anything useful for a real diagnosis. I have the ultrasound images, and left with letting things go or putting him through major surgery.

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